Democrats Surge in Early Voting Primary, Up 58 Percent Versus 2016, Republican Turnout Remains Steady

by Vivian Jones


In the first 12 days of early voting, turnout among Tennessee Democrats is 58 percent higher than in 2016. Republican turnout for early voting is 5 percent higher than four years ago, according to data from the Secretary of State’s office.

Overall, early voting turnout is about 15 percent higher than in 2016, with nearly half a million Tennesseans having cast ballots early so far.

Loudon, Lawrence, and Lewis counties saw the highest turnout growth, all more than tripling overall early turnout so far.

Turnout among democratic primary voters has been particularly high in counties surrounding Nashville. Davidson County, where Nashville is located, has seen nearly three times as many early Democrat voters as in 2016. Rutherford County turnout for the Democratic primary doubled since the same period in 2016. Nearby Wilson and Sumner counties have seen three times as many voters in the Democratic primary. Williamson County turnout is nearly four times higher.

Early voting closed August 1. Tennessee’s Primary Election Day is Thursday, August 6.

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Vivian Jones is a regular contributor to The Center Square.




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3 Thoughts to “Democrats Surge in Early Voting Primary, Up 58 Percent Versus 2016, Republican Turnout Remains Steady”

  1. Julie

    Most Democrat voters are located in Nashville which is why we see mostly liberal politicians there. That being said these Democrat percentages do not tell the whole story, i.e. total Republican vs. Democrat voters outside of Davidson County.

  2. Dave

    This is what happens when libtards move here in droves from left-leaning states to escape higher taxes. Nashville is so crowded now, no Republican can ever expect to be elected mayor. Nashville has not had a Republican mayor since the late 1870’s, & the city is now in deep debt because of decades of failed liberal policies.

    1. John

      Dave you’re exactly right. I know a couple who moved down here from the upper north east. First thing the guy’s (non working) wife does is vote for a tax increase here in Wilson county. The husband, a reformed liberal, said he voted opposite.

      I wished liberals would stop moving down here and bringing their destructive left leaning biases with them.


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